About the Journal

Journal of Higher Education and Development Studies (JHEDS), Pakistan publishes research papers related to higher education and development Studies about Pakistan, China, and Afghanistan region. The scope of the JHEDS covers research on higher education, peace and development in Pakistan, China, and Afghanistan region and their relations; people-to-people contacts, national and regional integration; and developmental projects like CPEC, BRI. Peace, Development, Research, and Education is an independent think tank that publishes the Journal of Higher Education and Development Studies an annual triple-blind peer-reviewed research journal. JHEDS publishes cutting-edge research on higher education, peace, development, and international relations. The journal welcomes original and quality manuscripts from Pakistan-based and foreign scholars, including students working towards their MS/MPhil and PhD degrees.

The PDRE endeavors to understand Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan relations, institutional linkages, and people-to-people contacts. The PDRE through JHEDS seeks to make Northwest Pakistan especially Peshawar a rich source of knowledge on collaboration in higher education and development among these countries. JHEDS is an endeavor to deepen local understanding of higher education and development, society, economy, culture, language, and political system of the countries in the region. The JHEDS aims at achieving continuous advancement through research and dissemination of information about the subject area in a manner that is in tune with the ground realities. The JHEDS draws from the cultural, intellectual, and economic resources of local, national, and global relevant data to enrich and strengthen its panorama and strives for excellence in research in its domain. The PEDF strives through JHEDS to become an excellent think tank in research, learning, and study in the region by producing research as per international standards. The JHEDS expects articles from research scholars with analytical thinking, innovative research methodologies, effective argumentation, and written communication that are critical for quality research