Exploring Stress, Anxiety and Depression among Teachers at Public Sector Universities of Balochistan
Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Teachers, Students, Public Sector Universities, BalochistanAbstract
The study sought to explore the stress, anxiety, and depression among teachers at public sector universities of Balochistan. The accessible population consists of 267 teachers from social sciences departments at four public sector universities (UOB, BUITEMS, UOL and SBK) in the Quetta and Loralai divisions. The probability sampling technique was used for sample selection. Out of the total accessible population, 223 teachers were randomly selected. A closed-ended questionnaire based on the Likert scale, which was established by Lovibond & Lovibond, the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-42) in 1995 was adopted for data collection. The data were analyzed through percentages. Statistical values of items related to depression concluded that most of the subjects could not experience any positive feeling at all, most of the participants could not see to get going, the majority of the subjects had nothing to look forward to, the greatest number of the participants felt sad and depressed, mostly the participants had lost interest in just about everything. Findings generated from items related to anxiety revealed that a great number of the participants were aware of dryness of their mouth, the majority of the subjects experienced breathing difficulty, most of the participators had a feeling of shakiness, and a maximum number of the subjects found self in situations that made them so anxious.
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