Relationship between School Culture and Moral Development of Students at the Secondary Level
School Culture, Moral Development, Students, Secondary Level, EducationAbstract
This study explores the intricate relationship between student moral growth and school culture within the secondary education landscape of Lahore, Pakistan. The research aimed to investigate how student moral development intertwines with the prevailing school culture, as perceived by students themselves. The study population included students and teachers of both public and private schools in the Lahore district. Employing a quantitative approach, data was collected from 420 respondents through systematic sampling techniques. Data analysis revealed a significant relationship between moral development and classroom culture. The study also indicated satisfactory and insufficient areas of moral development among school students with respect to their teachers' role. It was recommended that the schools should provide a conducive atmosphere which may satisfy the unsatisfactory areas of moral development among their students. School culture and curricula should both be modified and developed to foster moral development among the students. Similarly, ethical leadership culture should be promoted among the teachers and Heads to cultivate responsible citizenship among students.
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