A Study of Epistemological Shifts of Feminism in Hashmi’s A House Without Windows and Khan’s Trespassing
Patriarchy, Post-Feminism, Inclusivity, Intersectionality, Fourth-Wave Of Feminism, Écriture FéminismAbstract
This study deals with the ideas of 'Inclusivity' and 'Intersectionality' of the fourth wave of feminism while critically analyzing A House without Windows by Nadia Hashmi and Trespassing by Uzma Aslam Khan. The fourth wave of feminism, with its intersectionality and inclusivism epistemologies, is supported by these works of South Asian fiction. This study is meant to simply interpret the various problems that South Asian women confront on a single level. South Asian scriptures and society both downplay South Asian women. This study has cited Nicola Rivers' Fourth Wave of Feminism theory, which contends that these ideas of inclusion, intersectionality, and uniqueness are addressed by this wave. This new movement clarifies the concepts of plurality and variety. This study draws on third-world women's idea of Chandra Talpade Mohanty to bolster Rivers' understanding of feminism in the South Asian context. According to the results of this study, the fourth wave of feminism shares certain similarities with the preceding three waves. Men and women from poor countries are represented. The idea of "intersectionality" reveals the nuanced character of women's experiences with marginalization and oppression. In light of this study's emphasis on intersectionality and inclusivism, it is expected to advance knowledge in feminist studies.
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