Effect of Digital Transformation on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Mediating Role of Teacher Resilience


  • Muhammad Naseem Abid PhD Scholar, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
  • Warda Latif Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Abdul Ghaffar Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.




Digital Transformation, Teacher Resilience, Student Learning Outcomes, University Level, Education


This study explores the influence of digital transformation on student learning outcomes, highlighting the mediating role of teacher resilience in Pakistani educational settings. Adopting a quantitative research design, the study collected data from 336 educators using structured surveys administered through Google Forms. Data analysis was performed using Smart-PLS-4, a robust tool for structural equation modeling, to dissect the interrelations among digital transformation, teacher resilience, and student learning achievements. The findings indicate that digital transformation markedly improves student learning outcomes, with teacher resilience playing a pivotal mediating role. Teachers adept in utilizing digital tools significantly boost student engagement and academic performance. These results underscore the importance of enhancing digital competencies and resilience among educators to fully leverage digital technologies' educational advantages.


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How to Cite

Abid, M. N., Latif, W., & Ghaffar, A. (2024). Effect of Digital Transformation on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Mediating Role of Teacher Resilience. Journal of Higher Education and Development Studies (JHEDS), 4(1), 235–251. https://doi.org/10.59219/jheds.04.01.63


