Navigating ESG Imperatives: The Role of Corporate Governance in Shaping Environmental and Social Outcomes in Emerging Markets




ESG, Environmental Performance, Social Performance, Corporate Governance, China, Pakistan


Corporate operational activities in the last two decades were significantly influenced by non-financial restraints, which have shaped their nature. Companies are increasingly being required to balance between financial performance and environmental and social responsibilities. There is a possibility that engaging in environmental and social initiatives may increase a company's reputation amongst stakeholders as well as curtail risks to shareholder welfare. The accountability of effective corporate governance and fostering sustainable practices is paramount for all companies. This study investigates the effect of corporate governance on the environmental and social performance of public companies in China and Pakistan. Using data from the Refinitiv Eikon database for 2010-2022, we found a significant positive correlation between corporate governance and environmental performance, showing that better-governed firms tend to have better environmental outcomes. However, there was no significant relationship between corporate governance on the one hand, implying difficulties in achieving balanced ESG outcomes on the other side. These findings highlight the need for focused policies to enhance social performance among emerging markets, which underscores the complexity of corporate social responsibility (CSR).


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How to Cite

Memon, S. (2024). Navigating ESG Imperatives: The Role of Corporate Governance in Shaping Environmental and Social Outcomes in Emerging Markets. Journal of Higher Education and Development Studies (JHEDS), 4(1), 343–360.


