Perceptions of Subject Specialists Regarding the Relationship between Principal Leadership Skills and School Effectiveness


  • Mubarak Shah PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Qurtuba University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Niqab Assistant Professor, Department of Education Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir Upper, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan.
  • Mubarak Zaib Khan M.Phil. (Education), Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir Upper, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.



Principal Leadership Skills, School Effectiveness, Secondary Schools, Subject Specialist


The purpose of this current study is to analyze the relationship between leadership skills and school effectiveness. Employing a quantitative approach, a co-relational research design has been used for the instant study. The target population of the study included subject specialists serving in higher secondary schools from which a sample size of 272 subject specialists had been randomly selected. The study was conducted using a closed-ended questionnaire with 41 items indicating principal leadership skills and school effectiveness. The gathered data was examined using the statistical program SPSS-25. For inferential statistics, Person correlation and multiple regression approaches were adopted. The findings demonstrate that principal leadership skills have a strong link with their sub-constructs: behavioral leadership skills (BLS), organizational leadership skills (OLS), and transformational leadership skills (TLS). TLS (Transformational Leadership Skills), however, showed a strong relationship with Principal leadership skills. Additionally, a significant correlation has been identified between Principal leadership skills and school effectiveness. The relationship between school effectiveness and its sub-dimensions has also been investigated, and the findings reveal that a high and substantial correlation exists, especially between school effectiveness and its sub-dimension quality assurance. The findings of the study provide valuable guidelines and insights for school principals, district education officials, policymakers, and other non-governmental organizations committed to enhancing the quality of education and school effectiveness.

The relationship between school effectiveness and its sub-dimensions was also investigated, and the findings revealed a high and substantial correlation. A strong link was discovered between school effectiveness and quality assurance. This report is a roadmap for school principals, district education officials, policymakers, and other non-governmental groups focusing on quality education and school effectiveness.



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How to Cite

Shah, M., Niqab, M., & Khan, M. Z. (2024). Perceptions of Subject Specialists Regarding the Relationship between Principal Leadership Skills and School Effectiveness. Journal of Higher Education and Development Studies (JHEDS), 4(1), 361–376.


